Senin, 30 Maret 2009

indomie biasa jadi luuaar biasa

ind0mie ind0mie...sapa sih yg ga tau ind0mie,mie instant favorite smua orang dari anak kecil,remaja,dEwasa..dari anak rumahan sampe k0stan...ind0mie g0reng atau kuah emang biasa aja sih,TAPI ind0mie g0reng/kuah menjadi luUuarr biiasaa kalo makan di ABANG ADE..apalg yang suka pedes...jgn bilang kamu jago makan pedes kalo belom c0bain mie g0reng pedes mampus ala "abang ade"... Tmpat makan pinggiran jalan ini trletak di belakang r0xY square,buka nya malem ampe subuh...jadi kalo malem2 kalian bingung mau makan apa,b0leh d c0bain mie g0reng luaar biiasa ini..hehehe...dann mie g0reng nya bisa pakein tel0r,k0rnet atau kejuu nyuUumm...selain ind0mie,ada juga r0ti bakar , pisang bAkar,n aneka juice..
Very rec0mmended to try...

Jumat, 27 Maret 2009

Confessions Of a Shopaholic

Confessions of a Shopaholic,once i heard the title ,once i saw the advert in xxi..i assure myself that i MUST watch that movie..hOHo...maybe alMost all the girls who like shopping will have the same thought with me..i wanna share a little synopsis this movie..

Diangkat dari novel karya Sophia Kinsella

Rebecca Bloomwood (Isla Fisher), gadis yang baru saja lulus dari sekolahnya pindah ke Manhattan meneruskan hobi belanjanya serta bekerja di majalah New York. Meskipun tersandung hutang dalam jumlah yang sangat besar, Rebecca menjadi seorang kolumnis penasehat keuangan dan akhirnya jatuh cinta kepada seorang pengusaha kaya (based on

played by;

Isla Fisher
Hugh Dancy
Krysten Ritter
Joan Cusack
John Goodman

hOnestly,i Love this Movie a lot..cannot stop laughing ,a lil drama story with a sadness inside..hMmm,this movie is valueable,BUT still i have to be honest this movie doesnt makee me want to stop shoping !!! hahaha...i still cant control my urge to shop which is unnecessary for me though...becoz for me all the dresses,bags,shoes are necessary n needed for me =) like she said,the world become better when i am shoping.whoaaa almost forget to say that the guy is really cutee n sweet.

Rabu, 25 Maret 2009

Creative With Baloon

ive just got new email today..for me it is really cute n interesting to share with all of you bcoz from that email i knew that fashion is not only can be shown by silk,cotton,spandex,coddoray,latex,lace,etc and we can make fashion more unique than everr,what an incredible idea to use baloon as a dress...BALOON is also can be worn as fashion trends now..will it be the next trend of 2010?? u can see from the picture beside that BALOON is really wearable n it looks so nicee...will u wear it instead of ur shirts,l0l?!?!

try to make it ones ,it is unique for taking picture as ur portofolio . ..

Selasa, 24 Maret 2009

Trend Colour of 2009

as i am a fashion i have just checked the latest colours trend of 2009 by googling the world...finally i found that spring 2009 top colour trend tip are Palace Blue, Lavender, Super Lemon, Dark Citron,Vibrant Green, Lucite Green,Salmon Rose, Fuchsia Red,Rose Dust and Slate Gray i got this information from
so before you girls are going to shop,u better check this website or my blog first so you can be the trendsetter on your surrounds..
but still PEACH is one of the hottest color for this summer!!!

From pants to legging to tights

Fashion always changing..bener banget kan tuH,dari awal nya cuma celana panjang hitam ajah..trus mulai deh ngetrend akuin sih legging enak n nyaman bgt dipake..and gak terlalu formal juga keliatannya..cocok banget kalo dipaduin sama long tunic,long tee shirt,dan juga mini dress..terlihat kalau banyak sekali peminat legging,maka trend pun ikut menciptakan motif n model legging yang baru..mulai lah bemunculan argyle tights,stocking bermotif wajik ,lalu beralih lagii latex legging yang terlihat lebih boyish n superwoman look alike..dan trend legging sekarang adalah leopard prints as worn by amanda bynes and nichole richie then move to lacey tights..dimana stocking nya itu bermotif flowery atau kupu2 tapi seperti sobek-sobek..but it looks so sexy though..
nahh sekarang tinggal pilih deh model legging/tights mana yang sesuai buat kalian...

Senin, 23 Maret 2009

recommended place for mani & padi

Hari ini aku pergi ke salon kecantikan yang spesialisasi untuk mempercantik kuku tangan dan kaki .. nama salon kecantikan nya adalah Symphony,berlokasi di Muara Karang Blok Y3 Timur no 8,Jakarta Utara.Salon kecantikan ini juga menawarkan beberapa pelayanan lainnya seperti facial,totok wajah,lulur (membersihkan dan memutihkan kulit),slimming,pengencangan payudara,salon ini hanya khusus untuk wanita saja dan harga yang ditawarkan juga affordable bgt koq..Symphony is really recommended for girls who want to pamper u have to visit there soonn girlss...!!!